The only MPJE review focused on the laws, regulations, and policies of the state of Georgia
taught exclusively by an expert on Georgia pharmacy law
Are you stuck when it comes to studying for Georgia's MPJE?
Bewildered by all the information (or lack there of?)
Confused at where to even start?
You are not alone.
When it comes to preparing for Georgia's Multi-state Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (the MPJE) it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

I created this Georgia pharmacy law review to help with all of that
When I was preparing for the MPJE, I was shocked to see how little information there was available for me. Sure there were review programs offered by large national companies, but they were expensive and focused primarily on federal law- relegating specific state law to short addendums tacked on at the end. That's a huge problem though. Why? Because it fails to recognize that-
The majority of regulation in pharmacy relies primarily on STATE laws and policies.
So while Federal laws are incredibly important, in order to succeed on Georgia's MPJE you need a review that focuses on Georgia's laws, regulations, and policies. (Not just a review that adds those as a supplemental -often out of date- afterthought!)
This review won't do that to you.
Instead, I’ve designed this program to be a stand-alone resource that allows you to learn at your own pace. The structure of the course consolidates Federal & GA law and Board rules into common categories and presents them in plain English, all while removing redundancies and contradictions that exist between the regulations. The idea was to significantly simplify the approach to preparing for this exam, and prevent the need for wading through and memorizing hundreds of pages of confusing legalese.
First thing's first though- let me introduce myself.
Or more importantly, why I am uniquely qualified to teach this review.
My name is Dr. Jordan Khail
and I am a registered pharmacist in the state of Georgia. I am also the clinical instructor for pharmacy law at The University of Georgia's College of Pharmacy.
And before I taught pharmacy law to PharmD candidates?
I regulated it.
Prior to entering academia, I served four years as a Special Agent for the Georgia Drug and Narcotics Agency (GDNA).
A small but important agency, the GDNA serves as the regulatory arm for Georgia's State Board of Pharmacy.
As a GDNA agent I was responsible for managing regulatory compliance of all pharmacy laws, rules, and policies for over four hundred different Board registered facilities- ranging from community and hospital pharmacies to research institutions and durable medical suppliers (plus everything in between.)
Long story short?
I've dedicated my career to Georgia pharmacy law.

What makes this review different than the rest?
Taught by former Georgia regulator and current Georgia law expert, Dr. Jordan Khail, the Khail Consulting Georgia MPJE Review is unlike any other review currently available! See the chart below to see how it compares to other MPJE reviews on the market.